Ed Begley Jr’s LEED Platinum Green Home- The Greenest Home in North America

Ed Begley Jr.'s Green home constructionWe had the pleasure to represent Ed Begley Jr. and his wife Rachelle in the purchase of his new home in Studio City. This home is being built to LEED Platinum Standards. LEED is a rating system used to certify how green and eco-friendly the construction is of a home or building is. Having the LEED Platinum rating, Ed and Rachelle’s home is certified as being built to the highest and most strict regulations making it North America’s greenest, most sustainable home. 

This property is on an oak tree studded lot. During our property search with Ed & Rachelle, they had a special criteria that we had to meet to build this dream home. The property had to have a lot of sun exposure to give the solar panels enough sun during daylight hours. Having 200 year old oak trees was a huge selling point for Ed. These trees were all protected during the build process and never touched. They ultimately give this property amazing character.

Ed has a web series called On Begley Street. You can click that title to view the website dedicated to the building of this home. This home is scheduled to be completed in the spring, 2015.

We sold Ed and Rachelle’s former home for them during the build of their current LEED Platinum dream home. Ed lived in this studio city home since 1988 and made it in his words “as green as I can get it”  Being such a special home we marketed it world wide. We listed the home for $960,000 and sold it for $1,025,000. You can view a video of this home below.


We are very proud of being a part of the team dedicated to help Ed Begley Jr, Rachelle Carson Begley and their daughter Hayden make history. Ed not only talks the talk, but he walks the walk. He is dedicated to living the ultimate green and eco-friendly life style.  You can find him all over the media educating anyone that wants to live a greener life.

You can also view an LA Times article about the sale of his home. Click here.

The Studio City Patch also covered the sale of this home and interviewed Brandon of The Begley Team . You can view that article here.

Click the link below to take a tour of the newly completed home-


Below are pictures of Ed, Rachelle, Tim and Brandon at the premier of On Begley Street and a picture of Brandon and Ed at the new house while under construction,Ed Begley, Jr.'s Green home construction

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