By 2011, MiniMed's new owner decided to downsize the Northridge facility and relocate 300 customer service positions to Texas. Medtronic also announced the layoff of more than 400 workers at the Northridge offices. Today, about 1,800 employees continue to work at the MiniMed complex, located at Devonshire Street and Zelzah Avenue. The division is now known as Medtronic Diabetes, and the Northridge operations focus on research and development, as well as manufacturing.
The Recreation Center is located in Northridge. It has an indoor gymnasium, without weights, which may also be used as an auditorium. Its capacity is 400. Doc Green is the commissioner of the youth sports leagues at Northridge Recreation Center. The park also has barbecue pits, a lighted baseball diamond, lighted indoor basketball courts, lighted outdoor basketball courts, a children's play area, a community room, picnic tables, a lighted soccer field, and lighted tennis courts. The Northridge Pool, on the recreation center grounds, is an outdoor heated seasonal pool. Dearborn Park is located in Northridge. The unstaffed, unlocked park has lighted outdoor basketball courts, a children's play area, picnic tables, and lighted tennis courts. Vanalden Park, an unstaffed pocket park, has a horseshoe pit, a jogging path, and picnic tables.
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Data compiled using 2nd quarter 2024 data vs. same period from 2023
Population by Age Level. Median Age 36.32. Households: 22,456.
In Thousand of Dollars. (Median Income: $80,608)
Population by Education Level
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